* Once the cryptocurrency transfer is completed, it is irreversible. Please make sure that the receiving address is the address you hold. If you enter the wrong information, you will lose the corresponding assets.
Please visit our official website: alchemypay.org and log in with your On Ramp account. If you do not have an On Ramp account, please refer to "How do I create an On-Ramp account with Alchemy Pay?" to register your account. Your current IP defaults to your country/region, you can also manually select your country and region, it will display payment methods based on your country.
1. Select the cryptocurrency you want to buy and enter the amount you want to buy in fiat currency. The system will automatically calculate the amount of cryptocurrency you can buy based on the fiat currency amount you entered and the actual exchange rate. The exchange rate is updated every 15 seconds.
2. Click "Proceed" to enter the address input page and add your existing blockchain wallet address.
3. Click "Proceed" to enter the payment page. You can choose a supported payment method, e.g., Card transfer, and enter your bank card information on this page. Click "Confirm" to complete the payment.
4. Once the payment is done, Alchemy Pay will transfer the crypto currencies to the wallet address you submit.